UCSI Music Audition
today, 22nd of april was my audition in UCSI.
i arrived at 7.15 am. early lerrrrrr.... sat at the entrance and plug my ipod into ears, listening to my Chopin's scherzo ( one of my audition piece) and stare at the students who walk into Sedaya.
i got culture shock!!!!! everyone who walks in wear t shirt and jeans. it's like..so standardized!!!my gosh.... in taylors.. there're sooo many fanciful wears... now, i know why ppl say, Taylors, Sunway are all fashion-walk places... now, i can accept that statement. it's true. i cant find anyone in minis or dresses or spagetthi tops or tube tops....all sensible t shirt and jeans..... EVEN MY DAD NOTICED THAT TOO...
then..at 8.15am, me and my dad went to the music area. hoping it'll be open. lucky!!!! it's open d... we went and meet the receptionist. she gave me a choice, to go eat sth or to play and wait in the audition room. since i'm full ( ate bread and 2 eggs in the morning), i went into the audition room and started playing my pieces. My dad explored the room.
there's a grand piano and an upright piano side by side. both Yamaha. i tried the grand piano first. it's soooo oily and sticky. the more i play, the stickier it become. me and my dad ended up wiping the keyboard. ewwwwww.... then, i tried the upright, it's sooo much better.
at 9am, i went in for my theory test. o gosh..as usual, i sux in theory....i did until my head crack. i din even study bout theory the past few weeks. thinking of it makes me sick. die means die laa...i'm not very keen to study in Sedaya also...
around..dunno wat time also.. maybe..40 mins later, i started my practical. i first asked them...
Eli : can i play on the upright instead of grand piano?
Judge : why?? ppl usually prefer the grand piano..but it's up to u..
Eli : ( before i can cheat him by saying i like upright more than grand piano) my dad said...
Dad : ( my dad straight told the truth ) cuz the grand piano's key board is sooo oily and sticky.
Eli : i stared at my dad ( how can he tell the truth !??!?!??!?! )
Dad : we even wiped it just now. but, it's still sticky
haihh..so funny lorrr...havent even start studying already comment ppl's piano sticky laa..not good laa..bla bla..hahhahaha
1. Bach's prelude and fugue no.2 : it was a bit shaky. my left and right hand din coordinate that well..shit....
2. Chopin's scherzo no.2 : ahh..this is way better... i'm satisfied wiht my playing in this piece. it's 10 mins long..after.. maybe 7 mins, they ask me to stop. can move to the next song. hahahhahahhahaa....i'm so darn glad cuz i always screw up at the end..
3. Debussy's Clair d Lune : normal lor....satisfied..i think i played better than wat i usually play at home...
my scales sux too... forgotten those..3rd aparts and 6th aparts....duh..dun care
sight reading was fine...
aural lagi syok!!!!! so fun!!!!! hahahhaahhaahahahha...
overall, i'm quite satisfied.. i cant wait to start studying laa..so bored at home... everyday practice violin 24 hrs only...noting else....
10:19 PM
I shall remain immortal until my violin breaks
by ELIZABETH , inspired by STRADIVARIUS @ 10:19 PM
oh, so are you accepted?
yea... they like my Chopin piece!!!! they said i was very expressive in that.. :D
wow, so unexpected. i thought the chopin one was the LEAST expressive when i last heard.
but probably you had practice hard enough. I don't know. I shouldn't judge the power of tenacity.
on tat day.. i somehow managed to venture into another world when i played Chopin and expression just flowed... they din really like my prelude but they like my fugue.
after u left tat day... i practiced Chopin like hell. close to 24 hrs everyday..to aim for precision.
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